ESO Science Communication Internship 2024 in Germany

Hi, are you searching for an internship in Germany? Then here is an internship that is accessible only for you. Applications are currently open to enroll in the European Southern Observatory ESO Science Communication Internship 2024 in Germany. This is a fully Sponsored internship opportunity for all international students from all across the globe. The time duration of an  ESO Science Communication internship is about three to six months. Applicants from all across the world are eligible to apply in the ESO Science Communication internship.


This organization’s aims and advantages all are managed by the ESO Education and Public Outreach Department (ePOD). Press releases and many broadcast materials for the media are among the different programs and activities that use to satisfy the specific requirements of print, broadcast, and television media. ePOD use a multimedia sources and creates or build up top printed materials like books, brochures, annual reports, newsletters, posters, and more when this comes to public outreach.

About the European Southern Observatory (ESO):

An intergovernmental research organization founded in 1962. This research organization for ground-based astronomy supported by sixteen states that are members of European Southern Observatory (ESO). The European Organisation for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere was the former name. European Southern Observatory (ESO) was established in 1962 and has proposed astronomers access to the southern sky and cutting-edge research facilities.

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) authorize scientists from all across the world to find out the secrets of the Universe for the benefit of each individual. We design, build and function top world-class observatories on the earth – to which astronomers use to tackle all emerging questions and spread the strong attention and interest of astronomy – and promote international corporation for astronomy.

The European Southern Observatory (ESO)’s Department of Communication is the only department that is only responsible for all feature of internal and external communication for the Organisation. It secures the complete spectrum of communications in which including are media relations, all digital communication and complete internal communication, all content production, including public and local outreach, and become involve in with a large number or range of audiences ranging from scientists and the whole astronomy community, decision-makers and industry ccompanions or members, to journalists and also the members of the public.
It also cooperates closely with the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Supernova – Planetarium & Visitor Centre for astronomy and all education or academic activities. The Department is base to some extent at the European Southern Observatory ESO Headquarters in Garching near Munich, Germany, and partly in Santiago, Chile.


To know detailed information about ESO internships in Germany, must read the complete article below.

Advantages of Internship in ESO:

In European Southern Observatory ESO’s Department of Communication you will get alot of advantages these are in the following;

You will get an opportunity to work with a team of top mind and professional science communicators for the preparation of the European Southern Observatory (ESO) media.  This include news and press releases, publications, web pages, video scripts, many exhibition panels and many other public communication channels and products.


Through your involvement in different projects and with our supporting and professional team , you will get the chance to understand and learn:

  • About the aim of European Southern Observatory ESO and their part and also the duties of the Department of Communication for its execution;
  • How a large international scientific organisation works in practice and in particular. Moreover; candidate will also understand about what are the workflows, the processes within the department of communication and different course of action within the Department of Communication;
  • How to atke notes or write about the complex scientific issues in an involving and understandable manner;
  • How to edit any texts and work on many drafts as a team to keep sure the final press release. It is aso include script or all blog post is available and exciting to its audiences that is target;
  • How can combine a written text and audiovisuals to make science good looking and accessible to the public.

Complete Details of the ESO Science Communication Internship 2024

  • Host country: Germany
  • Host Institution: ESO
  • Internship coverage: Fully Sponsored
  • Internship Period: 3 to 6 months.
  • Internship Deadline: 31 December 2023

Focused Areas of Internship:

  • The main focuse area of this internship is Science communication of frontline astronomy projects.

Eligibility Requirements for the ESO Internship

To get yourself eligible for the European Southern Observatory (ESO) Science Communication Internship. You must meet the eligibility requirements that are below;


  • English is the require language. You must have to write and speak the English language fluently because it is the basic.
  • Candidates from all across the global countries are eligible for this scholarship.
  •  Must give oral and written communications skills that are accurate, succinct, and on schedule.
  • ESO is looking for those people who want to gain their experience in science communication of frontline astronomy projects.
  • Applicants must posses some recent experience writing in English about science communication, especially astronomy or other physical science writing for the general public.
  • To understand the specific scientific papers you must have good a knowledge of astronomy.
  • Strong skills of Microsoft Office application (Word, Excel, and PowerPoint) are required. It motivates the applicants that are enrolled in an graduate programs in science, science communication, or science journalism, or recently graduate from one of these programs.
  • Must establish working ties that are cooperative with individuals from different field or  disciplines and cultural backgrounds.
  • Must generate or prepare under time restriction while stick to pre determined requirements and deadlines.
  • Moreover; Have the ability to work on your own initiative as a part of a team.

ESO Internship Advantages:

ESO Science Internship is a fully sponsored opportunity and provides the recievers with the following advantages:

  • Accommodation
  • A monthly allowance offers to secure your living expenses.
  • The airfare ticket (cost of traveling back to and from your home town).


How to Apply in ESO Internship?

The application procedure is completely online for the Science Communication Internship at ESO in Germany. To consume this opportunity , must follow the application instructions that are below.


  • To apply online visit here.
  • Must complete your application of internship in English.
  • The application also demands an updated resume or C.V. and a letter of motivation.
  • Must upload your work sample ( Without the work sample application will not evaluate).

To apply and to get more details and information about the Science Communication Internship at ESO, must visit the following official website below.

Apply Now

Official Website

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